
Irish Hospice Foundation – Bereavement support line

Their Bereavement Support Line, in partnership with the HSE, is there to provide connection, comfort and support in these exceptional times. It can be accessed by anyone irrespective of whether the death occurred in a hospice or not.

Irish Cancer Society

are a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. Together we are transforming the experiences and outcomes of people affected by cancer through our advocacy, support services and research.

Wills – Making a Will

A will is a legal document that lets you express how you want your property, assets, and keepsakes to be shared on your death. 

Citizens Information

The Citizens Information Board is the national agency responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy on social services, and for the provision of the Money Advice and Budgeting Service.

Amend a Will (Codicil)

If you would rather not create a new will, then you have the option to amend the existing will via what a legal document that is called a Codicil.

Advance healthcare directive

Use this document to set out your wishes regarding healthcare and how you want to be treated if you become seriously ill and unable to make or communicate your own choices. Your wishes can be either that certain treatment should not be provided in specified circumstances (and these wishes can be binding on medical staff), … Read more

Enduring power of attorney

This pack contains all of the documents necessary for the drafting of an EPA and the required notices. And secondly to register the EPA in the event that the donor loses capacity and is unable to make decisions on their own behalf.

Bereavement counseling and support services

The Citizens Information Board is the statutory body which supports the provision of information, advice and advocacy on a broad range of public and social services. It provides the Citizens Information website,, and supports the voluntary network of Citizens Information . The Citizens Information Board have also published information on a range of practical concerns … Read more

Bereavement & Loss Hub

Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) is a national charity that addresses dying, death and bereavement in Ireland. Our vision is an Ireland where people facing end of life or bereavement, and those who care for them, are provided with the care and support that they need.  Bereavement Support. Grief in the Workplace. Children’s Bereavement Rosabel’s Rooms … Read more

Website where death notices can be viewed online. A death notice is an announcement placed in a newspaper announcing someone’s death and details of their funeral.